Sunday, August 22, 2010

Washington, DC - 14-16 August

Thank goodness for air-conditioned museum’s in DC because it was our only refuge from the heat. It was hot and humid and while great to see the famous monuments the drinks at the end of the day with Maida, Alex, Brendhan and Jen were very refreshing.

The Washington Monument at night, taken with a "ground tripod" after a few beers.

US Congress Building

The Abe Lincoln Memorial

The White House

The Abe Lincoln statue in the Memorial

The Jefferson Monument in Washington, DC

We also got to checkout the estate that used to belong to George Washington, which was actually pretty cool. I would have preferred living there than in Philadelphia and dealing with all that politics stuff.

Daniel's friend at Mt Vernon.

Dan at Mt Vernon

One the way from DC to New York we stopped by Baltimore, so I could take a photo of a building any of you who watch the Food Network in the US may recognize.

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